Support and Download
Requirements for installing Nautilus
Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
Office: if you have Office already installed on your computer, this must NOT be a 64bit version; if so, please uninstall it and reinstall the 32bit version.
Note: if you don't have Office at all, some funcionalities of Nautilus could not be unavailable.
MS Access: your version of Office can include MS Access or not. This is not a problem, Nautilus Setup will check it, and if necessary, it will alert you do download ind install the runtime version of MS Access, available on this page too.
After downloading any setup file, ALWAYS run it clicking with right mouse button and choosing "Run As Administrator"
If during setup your anti-virus block the execution, please deactivate it at least while setting up

Click up here to start a remote support session
NOTE: if your browser only allow to save the file (and not directly execute it), after saving it you have to double click it to start the session