Version 2.4.1149

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New functions


Check-out email*

This function allows you to send an email to the guest when he closes his bill and checkout.

The body of the email contains the greetings message that has been set in the [Customer care] section of the [Preferences] form, plus the links to all your social channels and, if selected, the invoice issued to the guest.

All this allows you to avoid printing and wasting paper, for a more green approach.

* To use this function, you must purchase the email sending subscription


Let’s see how this can be configured.

1)      After selecting the [Send greetings email at bill closure] checkbox, enter all the details of a working email account (ask your provider for the SMTP configuration parameters if you’re not sure).
ATTENTION: verify these settings with your email provider. If you don’t enter any setting, the email will be sent from a standard [appnotifier@logystech.com] internal account

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[Sender name]/[Sender email] are the name and email that the guest will see in the “From” section of the received message
(Attention: most smtp servers require that the sender email is the same of the username; check with your provider)

2)      Just below the SMTP settings, enter any link to your social channels (FB and IS at the moment), as long as the url of your website and, if you have subscribed to it, the link to the web page where your guests can view their diving logbook
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3)      Be sure that you have one or more greeting messages already set in the upper section of the Preferences/Customer care section. At minimum, you must enter one message associated with the [-DEF-] language
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4)      Once done, you can test if your email settings are valid, clicking on the [Test Email] button, and entering a recipient address that you can check the inbox.
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When all the above settings are done, each time that you close a bill, if the guest have a valid email address, an email message is sent to him/her, including both the greetings message and the bill, in the same format as the printed one.
NOTE: if you reprint the bill, Nautilus asks if you want to resend the email message too.

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New Main Menu

The main menu has been improved to speed up the whole usage of the application.
When the program starts, the menu will popup automatically in the top left corner of the window.
Then, in any form you can directly open it clicking the blue shell icon visible in the top left corner of the form, or just pressing [F12]

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This allows you to switch directly from one form to another without closing it.

To close the menu without selecting a new form, click on the X icon on the top right or just press ESCAPE key on your keyboard.

To open the menu when there are no other forms opened, just click anywhere on the background picture.



The way that commission rates are entered has been completely redesigned, to make it easier to plan and define them. Now there is no longer the need to create service “groups” to assign rates: the percentage and/or fixed amounts can be entered directly for each service in the pricelist.

This allows us to assign commissions in completely different ways for every staff/tourop/hotel (before this, the definition of group services had to be the same for all staff/tourop/hotel).

Let’s see how this is done.
Opening the commission rates definition form, first we have to select a staff subject to work on, then in the upper section we have the controls to enter payment account, days off and salary, along with the currency that will be used to calculate and print the commission bill for the selected subject.
This means that every subject can have his preferred currency set.

In the lower section we see the whole pricelist (or else we can display the shop items pricelist), with the Retail price column showing the standard price defined in our main pricelist.

Now we can enter the desired rates and/or fixed amounts in the other columns.


The yellow boxes on top of the list act as filters, so that you can quickly select and search for any service in the pricelist

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In the filters for the edit columns (the columns where you enter values), you can use special characters to select services that have rates or that don’t have rates.

An asterisk (*) selects all rows that have the value defined, while minus (-) selects all rows that don’t have the value defined.
With these tools is extremely quick and easy to select and find the desired services/items.

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Another very important tool is the [Allow edits to all visible rows] checkbox: when this option is selected, and you enter a value in a row, that value is automatically copied to all other visible rows.

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For example, let’s say we want to enter a 10% cms for selling to all the e-learning courses that we have in the pricelist.

We select Courses in the service type filter, enter “learn” in the description filter, and select the Allow Edits to All Visible Rows checkbox; now, when we enter the value 10 in the column for the percentage rate of selling commission in one row, the value is copied to all the visible rows.

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When the value is confirmed, it will be duplicated to all the visible rows:

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Finally, when you have defined the rates for a staff, it’s very easy to duplicate those rates to another one (for example, to assign same rates to all the divemasters, or instructors, and so on).

Click on the [Copy to another staff member] button, select the source you want to copy the rates from, then select all the staff that you want to copy rates to (using Ctrl or Shift you can select multiple rows in the list) and then click [Copy]. That’s it!


In the same way as described above, you can define Tour Operators and Hotel commission rates.


Vouchers net pricelist

Before this version, the Tour Operator voucher net pricelists had to be created manually, and only after that step they could be assigned to a tour operator.

First of all, in the Tour Operator edit form it has been added a quick filter box, that allows you to quickly find a subject in a long list.

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If the Tour Operator can issue vouchers, just select the “This subject issues vouchers” checkbox, and Nautilus creates automatically an empty net prices pricelist for the tour operator.

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Then you can edit this pricelist, clicking the [T.O. Pricelist] button on top of the form.
Here you can enter the net prices that you will invoice to the Tour Operator for the collected vouchers issued by him.

NOTE: only the services that have a defined net price can be registered as sold by vouchers in the guest checkin form.

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Shop warehouse

Before this version, for updating the stock of shop items you had to manually change the value for each item. This system was very uncomfortable, and could easily lead to errors, as you had to calculate manually the new quantities.

Now when the shop refurbishments arrives, you can export an Excel file that can be used as a warehouse loading document.

Put in the file the received quantities, and then import again in o Nautilus



The operation of loading/unloading of the shop warehouse requires a specific permission to be assigned in the security settings. This guarantees that the stock cannot be tampered by unauthorized users.

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Another useful function allows you to reset any possible negative quantity to zero (negative quantities can be generated when you sell an item even if the warehouse says that you don’t have anymore)


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Equipment warehouse

Now there is a function that allows you to recalculate the real quantity of pieces that are out of storehouse, that is, they are assigned to guest boxes and/or out for maintenance.
Click the button with the magic wand.








Extra pricelists

Now, when you create an extra-pricelist with a currency that is different from your main currency, the bill calculation and the final invoice of the guest will be in the same selected currency.

For example, let’s assume we have created a pricelist to be used for local guest, in EGP currency:


When you calculate the bill for a guest that this pricelist has been assigned to, the amounts are shown in the selected currency:


And the same is true for the issued invoice:


Minor changes

Graphic design

The application theme has been completely reviewed, to enhance a more consistent graphic design.


Quick guest group name

Now, when during the registration of quick guests you enter a group name, this name will be visible in the trip participant list and the printed boatsheet, so that it’s easier to manage people.

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Daily Summary

In the trip management form, when we print the “Daily Summary” report, now we can see the sites/guides of each trip and all the equipment details of each guest

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