Version 2.4.1147

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Group and Room billing

With this new functionality, it’s now possible to issue a single bill that includes activities of multiple guests.
A typical example of such situation could be a family bill, or a bill including the guests residing in the same room, or a bill issued to a group of guests.

In order to declare that a guest will be paid by another one, you can use one out of three ways:

1)      When you check-in the guests, first register the payer, and then when you register the ones that will be paid by the first one, select the payer in the [Bill paid by] drop-down in the [Prices policy] section
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2)      If you want to issue bills by room number (typical situation used in big resorts), enable the relevant option in the Preferences/Pricelist-collecting page:
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3)      For issueing a single bill to a group of quick temporary clients (i.e. a group of snorkelers that want to make a single payment), check the [Enable advanced payment] and the [Single payment for group] options in the Add quick guest form, and collect the due amount for the whole group.
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For guests registered using the standard Clients form (case n. 1 above), when you issue a bill to one of them (being him the payer or just one of the paid ones), the system asks you who you want to bill:

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and the issued bill will contain the services of all clients.
Of course, the package calculation is done by guest, so if a diver makes 4 dives and his son makes 4 dives too, these will NOT be calculated as an 8 dives package.
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Cross-selling items in the pricelist

Many times we have services in the pricelist that ar always sold along with other services; a typycal example is a pic/certification sold with a course.

Now you can specify, for any service in the pricelist, possible services and/or shop items that are sold automatically each time you sell the main service.

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To add cross-selling items, click on the [Add Detail] button on the top of the list, enter the quantity, select a service or a shop item, and click on the [Save detail] button.
In the following image we can see a PIC/Manual added to an Open Water Course:

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Once that cross-sell items have been defined in the pricelist, when you sell a service that has cross-sell items (i.e. enroll a client to a course), the cross-sell items are automatically added to the bill of the client.


Boat trips

Quick search of guests to add to the trip

When you’re adding guests to a trip from the guest registry, now you can quickly search the desired guests by multiple fields.
Just enter the search values in the green boxes above the guest list, and it will be filtered by those values.
To remove all the filters, click on the [Remove filter] button on the left of the list.

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Direct editing in the guest list table view

Guests that are participating to an excursion can be seen in one of two ways: treeview and tableview. You can switch from one view to the other clicking on the treeview/tableview buttons: .

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For your convenience, you can set the preferred view in the Preferences form, so that is preselected each time you open the Trips form

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Each view has its own advantages; treeview is more compact, but requires more clicks in order to edit a guest or an activity, while tableview is less compact but allows you to edit data directly in the table, as you usually do in an Excel document. This is really convenient to quickly enter names, birth date, passports, nationality, room number and assigned box for any guests, both temporary and registered. When the table view is active, click on a row in the upper list (guests) in order to view in the bottom list all the activities assigned to the selected guest.


Selling boat places to external centers

If you have your own boats and sell places to other diving centers, there is a new functionality that helps you managing this activity. Here how to use it:

1.    First of all, in the services pricelist, add an item of category Excursion, that will be debited to the external center for each guest that participates to your trip.

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2.    Register the external diving center in your clients registry, as if it was a regular client, but remember to select the checkbox [External diving for sells of boat places], and give it a far away check-out date.

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3.    When you add the guests to the trip using the [Quick guests] button, select the [Shared service to ext center] checkbox and choose the center that is sending you the guests.
Then, in the [Main service] drop-down select the service that will be debited to the external diving center for each guest.

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Now your boat list will contain all the external guest too.
If you want it, you can edit them as usual for entering their names and passports, but this is not mandatory (as they are owned by the external center).
You can even add extra services to these guests, if needed.

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In order to bill the external center that you sell boat places to, when you close the trip, the temporary shared guests will be automatically deleted, and all their services assigned to the external diving center to which they belong.
In this way, you can issue and collect a bill for the external diving center, as you do for any standard client.

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Snorkeling list

A new kind of document can be printed for a trip: the snorkeling list. This is a simple list containing anly some general information about the trip and the list of snorkelers, along with a box for signature of each guest.

As for other printouts, the logo is the one in the Preferences form.




Quick “temporary” guests equipments

When adding a group, is possible to assign the same equipments to all participants (i.e. mask and fins for snorkelers) withouth choosing sizes for each guest. In this case, just the rent cost is debited, avoiding the need to manage the storehouse details.
This option is very useful for activities like snorkeling, where you don’t want to register in the system the exact size of each rented equipment, as the guest – once has paid – can go directly to the equipments departments to take what he needs for the trip.

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Other changes

Saving of companion names

From now on, when you add for the first time a guest on a trip that has one or more companions, the names and passport numbers of the companions are saved in the database, so that you don’t have to enter them again the next time that you add the same guest with companions to the trip.

Actions on closed trips

Even when a trip has been closed, the action buttons to enter advanced payment and to make a bill remains enabled, allowing you to carry on those actions without leaving the page.

Advanced payments

When entering an advanced payment for a guest from the trip form, if you select the name of the guest in the treeview/tableview, then the details of all the the activities done by the guests on the trip are already preselected in the advanced payment, eliminating the need form manual entry.

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Tank count on boatlist

On the Boat Worksheet and Equipment Worksheet printouts, the tank count takes in to account also any extra dive

Receipt number for sell commissions

When assigning the staff subject that will take a sell commission, it is possible to enter a receipt/voucher number

that identify the sell. This number will be printed in the detailed commission statement

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Clients management

New Clients page

The main page for managing your clients has been completely renewed, in order to speed up and simplify all operations. The main highlights of the new page are:

-          General data and checkin data in a single page

-          Quick search by name/room/box

-          Picture of guest, for better recognition, along with other attached documents (certification, passport, etc.)

-          Input validation with error highlighting

The usage of the new page is straightforward, anyway here some hints that can be useful.

On the left side of the page there is a search list, that by default contains all the checked-in clients. Using the option buttons above the list, you can show checked-in, checked-out or all clients. On the top of this basic filter, you can use the filter butto to apply any kind of filter to the list.

To select a client, click the corresponding item in the search list on the left of the page:

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For quickly searching a client, just enter the name/surname (or part of it) in the Name search box or a room/box number in the Room/Box search box, and press Enter: the list will show only the guests that match the entered criteria (to clear the filter, just delete the entered criteria):

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Below the general data, on the right side of the page, there is a box that clearly indicates the current state of the selected client (checkedin/checkedout). Depending on the current state, a button for checking out or checking in the client becomes available:

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When you’re viewing a checked-out client, in the “Checkin history” list you see all the previous checkins.
If you want to reopen the last checkin, select it in the list and click on the [Reopen checkin] button:

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Search clients by Box number

In the majority of forms that allows to select a client from a list by his name (add client to a trip, enroll to a course, sell a shop item, prepare a bill, etc.), pressing Shift+[F3] when inside a client dropdown list opens a secondary search dropdown, that allows you to select a guest by Room number.
Now is possible to decide if this secondary search is made by Room or by assigned equipment Box.
Just select your preferred way in the Preferences form:

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Client import from Excel

Added columns for importing address, zip code, city and phone

Client images

If a certification and/or personal document image has been saved for a client, now you can double-click on the image to view it in the system image viewer

Web Checkin – pdf documents

For those that use the web checkin plugin offered by Nautilus, now all the signed papers (PADI forms) are downloaded and saved inside Nautilus database, so they can be viewed/printed at anytime.

When a client has such documents, in the Documents section of the Clients page you will see the list of attached documents; just double-click an item in the list to open it.

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Staff Management

Salary calculation

Now is possible to declare in Nautilus the details of the paid salary to each staff, so that the due amounts are automatically calculated along with commissions. This allows you to manage all staff payments inside Nautilus, and the payment transaction automatically added to the book keeping when you close the commission bill of the staff.

Let’s see how to proceed…

First of all we have to enter the details of the salary assigned to each staff. In the Commission rates definition form, enter the type of salary: By month, By week or By day, and the amount that you pay for each Month/Week/Day.
If you want to take into account the days off (that means to don’t pay salary in days off), then select the appropriate checkbox.
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Despite the type of salary chosen, you can make the calculation with the frequency that you like, for example once a month, or once a week, or whatever period you like. Nautilus will use the defined amounts and scale them on the chosen period.
Note: if you define the salary by month, and then calculate for a period that does not start and end with the beginning and end of a month, than Nautilus will divide the monthly amount by 30 and then multiply it by the worked days.

Once that you’ve entered the salary rates for your staff member, and before executing any calculation, remember to review the member attendance if you selected the checkbox [Don’t pay days off].

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Now, when you make a calculation, the salary is added to the commissions (if any). If no commission are given to a specific staff, then only the salary is taken into account.

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New rates definition form

The form used to set the parameters and to define the rates used in the commissions calculation has been redesigned and simplified.
In the left area we have the general parameters: groups of services/items and other general settings that are applied to all the subjects when calculation is done.
In the right area we have all the parameters that are defined for a single subject (being it a staff member, and hotel or a tour operator).

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Now, when you want to set the rates, days off, salary for a specific subject, first select him/her from the dropdown list.

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In the days off section, now you have to set only the days off (and not all the worked days as before)

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Then there is a new box where you can set parameters used to calculate salary and add it to the commission statement (see next paragraph).

Other General Features

Auto-sync of web checkins

For those who use the web checkin functionality (offered by Nautilus Online Services and/or integrated in their own website), the downloading of new checkins is carried out automatically by a Nautilus Agent application that runs in the background.

By default, the syncing of data is executed every five minutes, and a log of the exchanged data can be viewed in Diving/Preferences page, in the Web Services tab. The interval between syncs can be set using the [Auto-sync interval] drop-down.

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If any error occours during the sync process, here you can see all the the details.


Logo customization

Now you can change the logo that is printed on official documents in an easy way.
Open Diving/Preferences/Diving Data and use the [Logo] button below the preview box to upload your image

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Discount conditions

It has been reactivated the possibility to create predefined discount conditions (so called “selective by client”) that can be applied to a particular client during the checkin process and/or during billing. These conditions are useful for quickly applying discounts like “10% on all courses”, “5% on dives for locals”, etc.



Resolved Issues

·         Web checkin: the request for regulators is not downloaded correctly

·         Billing: the print preview of the bill could generate an error

·         Boat Trip: adding a variable price service to a guest did not allow to enter the required price and description

·         Boat trips roster: when duplicating a trip on a different week, an error was raised when trying to select the new trip

·         Daily Log roster: now also the guests doing a course dive are added to the list

·         Billing: applying a selective by client discount using the scissors generated a wrong amount

·         Security: it was not possible to change permissions for a new user

·         Courses: it was not possible to register a new course enrollment if the course edit form is opened without selecting in advance the guest to enroll

·         Work Boatsheet: the activity details (i.e. course detail) were not printed in the ACT column

·         Box management: sometimes there were errors in adding/removing items to/from box

·         Equipment worksheet: sometimes guests names were duplicated, when they had pieces inside and outside of the box

·         Checkin: when enrolling to a course from the checkin form, sometimes the list of courses does not refresh, even though the course is correctly saved

·         Shop: when selling a shop item, in certain conditions the price cell does not show the price of the purchased service, even though the sell is correct



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